
I think the new Transfers Policy could be improved. In particular, the
"Standard Form" should specify the full name and contact information
(email, address, phone number, and logged IP address) of the entity
requesting the transfer to the gaining registrar. This would cut down
on fraud by adding an audit trail to transfers.

3 or 4 times now the Aplus.net/Name4ever.com registrar has attempted
fraudulent transfers of one of my domains (hostingtalk.com). My initial
emails to their support were not answered. Talking to them on the phone
today, they would not identify their client who was attempting to steal
my domain, citing "privacy" -- when in fact, the act of a domain
transfer is a PUBLIC act (they would need to have their WHOIS public,
for example, had the transfer been successful).

The existing policy thus protects criminals, letting them make
fraudulent transfer requests without identifying themselves. This needs
to end, and I strongly urge you to add this to the Standard Form when
the Transfer Policy comes up for review.


George Kirikos

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