On Mar 8, 2005, at 12:31 PM, Loren Stocker wrote:

Actually not.

Toll-free numbers are iced for 4 full months. The system ensures that. Most
local number (SBC) for six months to a year. And cell phone numbers for 12

Sorry, not true.. Not with SBC anyway.

Name one mavrick who would seize and reassign your phone number after 36

Try 36 hours. I've seen it happen.. Happens a hellava lot more with Cell numbers.

Jeremy Anthony Kinsey
Bella Mia, Inc.                                 www.mia.net
401 Host Drive                                  www.dslone.com
Lake Geneva, WI. 53147                  www.hostdrive.com
Phone: (262)248-6759                    www.bella-mia.com
Fax: (262)248-6959                              www.thednsplace.com

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