> From: discuss-boun...@blu.org [mailto:discuss-boun...@blu.org] On Behalf
> Of Tom Metro
> Someone else has addressed this. SVN provides some raw functionality by
> which developers can implement tagging by convention. The big down side
> to SVN tags is that the VCS doesn't prohibit you from turning a tag into
> a branch - or in other words, making modifications to a tagged revision.
> Doing so would generally be considered bad practice, however I've never
> seen a developer violate the conventions in the 10 years I've been using
> SVN.

More correctly, "doesn't automatically make the tagged directory read-only."

I know, in organizations that I support on svn, we have a release process.
All the engineers sync up, somebody runs regressions, and if all the tests
pass, then we tag that release.  I make the tagged directory read-only.

Later, if we ever need to respin, then we fork a branch from the tag.  Thus
leaving the tag read-only, and continuing to modify the branch.  Which will
later produce another tag.

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