On 12/29/2010 08:27 PM, David Kramer wrote:
> On 12/29/2010 02:27 PM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
>> On 12/29/2010 11:52 AM, David Kramer wrote:
>>> Is there a linux tool that can work as a pipe (read stdin, write to stdout) 
>>> and colorize any text
>>> matching an regex?  If not, I'll have to write one.  Not that hard, but I 
>>> would hate to reinvent
>>> it.
>> While I'm not specifically answering this, I do want to comment on
>> terminology. First, a PIPE is a channel that can connect 2 ports. In
>> this case, the output of 1 program to the input of another program. A
>> Unix program that reads from stdin and outputs to stdout (most Unix
>> commands) is called a FILTER when used in this context. For instance,
>> the pr(1) command is almost always used in this context. As also
>> mentioned, grep(1) is also a filter, and many times it is:
>> cat foo | grep <pattern> | grep -v <excluded stuff>
>> This is kind of an example of using grep as a filter.
> Yup.  I meant filter.  Thanks.  I was trying to fit the email in during
> a compile cycle, so I didn't give it as much thought as I should have.
> While "I knew what I meant", thank you for clarifying in case I
> confuzled anyone on the list.
>> I don't think that grep is the answer, but sed(1) is another command
>> that can alter a line of text based upon regular expressions. I don't
>> know exactly what you mean by colorize, but you certainly can take one
>> or more patterns(regex) and convert them to whatever you want.
> Yes, sed would be much more appropriate for this that grep (because I
> use search and replace to do more complicated things), if colorize
> doesn't work out for some reason.
Please let us know the results.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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