NEW YORK -- In the "Jeopardy!" battle of man vs. machine, man and
  machine were neck-and-neck on Monday.

  Human player Brad Rutter and the supercomputer named Watson ended an
  initial round tied at $5,000. The other challenger, human Ken
  Jennings, was far behind with $2,000.

  Watson, named for IBM founder Thomas J. Watson, is powered by 10 racks
   of computer servers running the Linux operating system.
  The exhibition matches will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday on the
  popular trivia TV game show. Two complete games will be aired, with
  the winner collecting $1 million.

  The bouts were taped at the IBM research center in Yorktown Heights,
  N.Y., last month. Both men and Watson have managed to keep the final
  outcome under wraps.
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