On 2/27/2011 10:05 PM, Derek Martin wrote:
> I haven't read mail on Windows for over a decade, so I can't comment
> about that.  I'm sure there must be additional options besides the
> ones above.  I don't think Outlook has it but Outlook is garbage,  so
> no surprise there.

There aren't a lot of Windows-specific email clients; basically, your 
choices are either Microsoft's own clients (Outlook, Outlook Express (XP 
only), and Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail (Vista and Windows 7)) or 
cross-platform clients such as Thunderbird. Thunderbird is my own 
choice, in part because I can use it on all three major platforms and 
because it is nearly identical (the differences are mostly cosmetic) on 
all of them.

Eudora was popular once upon a time but hasn't been maintained for ages. 
The new "open source Eudora" is basically Thunderbird with a modified 
UI. There are a few other things out there (Pegasus Mail, anyone?) but 
few people use them.
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