On 03/07/2011 06:38 PM, Scott Ehrlich wrote:
> I am running 64-bit Fedora 10 and 12 (and yes, I know they are both
> old versions, but I don't have the ability, at the moment, to upgrade
> them, so I need to work with what I have).
> These machines are part of a NIS network and do NOT have SELinux enabled.
> A few questions to help educate me:
> - If I run aureport -i -l -ts this-week -te this-week   I sometimes
> get a resulting username of "unknown".   /var/yp is up-to-date and
> /etc/passwd shows no unusual entries for the NIS server nor any of the
> clients.    What might cause the 'unknown' entries?
> - In /etc/pam.d/system-auth what is the function of shadow, I think on
> one of the password lines
> - If I type history in bash, I get a listing of commands entered, but
> no corresponding date/time stamps.    I did recently learn about the
> history timestamp bash variable, but if I export it, it will show me
> the history commands with a date/time stamp of _now_ (when I exported
> it).   Is there _any_ way to see when the command was entered, or is
> it a lost cause?
> - As a followup to history, if chkconfig _whaterver_ on/off was typed
> (say chkconfig auditd on or off)  where is the best place to see
> _when_ it might have been entered?    I looked in /var/log/messages
> but it was not readily apparent.
Have you run 'ypcat passwd' to see what it reports.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id: 537C5846
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