Hey guys - I haven't seen this posted yet so I'm sorry if it has on another 
list.  The Northeast Linuxfest is just around the corner, the event will be 
held in Worcester MA.  We hope you can make it!

Jonathan Nadeau of Frostbite systems and he has posted his speakers list for 
the Northeast Linuxfest. He's got John Maddog Hall! Now you really have no 
reason not to go! Here is the list of speakers below:

11am Roberto C. Sanchez
"Getting Stuff Packaged for Debian."

12pm Jarod Wilson
"Intro to GNU/Linux Home Theater PCs"

1pm Jon “Maddog” Hall
"GNU/Linux in Education, Government and Business."

2pm Matt Lee 
"Why Software Should Be Free."

So, now that we're two weeks away, I hope to see you all there! Hurry because 
attendance is filling fast! Details can be found at Northeast Linuxfest - 


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