On 04/03/2011 10:52 AM, Bill Horne wrote:
> On 04/03/2011 09:26 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
>> Additioal question how canyou test if power supply is dead with a
>> multimeter? I'm not a hardware guy
> Whoa!
> Switching power supplies have to be tested with a load on them: they 
> need the load to deliver proper voltages, and can be damaged if started 
> without one.
> The problem is that you can't be sure if the motherboard is in trouble, 
> the power supply, etc., without sectionalizing the components, and 
> you'll need a test jig to do that. Something as simple as a three 
> automobile brake lights will usually do, but you'll need a 6-volt lamp 
> (good luck finding one!) for the +5 lead. You can build a test jig with 
> lamps or resistors, and I always intended to but never did: it's easier 
> to swap in a new supply.

I should have one I can lend you if you want to try that.
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