On Thu, Jun 09, 2011 at 09:03:25PM -0400, John Abreau wrote:
> The part of it that I was most unhappy to hear was the notion
> that we've already lost the battle, and that it was time to
> accept defeat and give up.

Oh, yeah.  I'm with Alex on that one.  The cat is out of the bag, and
there's no going back.  Privacy is dead, and our government is regularly
violating what we previously understood to be our civil rights.

What's the point in encrypting your email when you can't encrypt your phone
calls, your phone tracks everywhere you go, the credit agencies know more
about your finances than you do and the government doesn't need a warrant
to get any of that data?

Add in emerging technologies like face and gait recognition and remote iris
and fingerprint scanning and the governmental and private databases that
will proliferate to support all that data, and we're steadily moving to a
future with _zero_ privacy.



the older i get, the more life starts to make sense, and the less i care.
                                                                <buck 65>
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