> From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
> bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org] On Behalf Of Benjamin Carr
> One another list it was pointed out that this is a "reboot/complete
> rewrite" of the old Novell "ifolder" product. Has anyone had success
> with that product? It too is open source: http://ifolder.com but it is
> built on Mono at this point, just a warning for those who dislike .NET.

I used ifolder in my home configuration for a while, but then Novell
imploded before we ever chose to deploy corporate.

I think it's a sin to say ifolder is open source.  Although that's
technically true, the idea of getting it to work on your own is pretty much
like DIY Space Travel.  All the other stuff it depends on is so complex...
The clear way (practically only way) to get it working is to run SLES/OES.
Even then, it's a huge pain.  Create yet another non-AD directory just for
this purpose.  It took me 2 days to get all the pieces together.  Nevermind
if I had to figure it all out from the ground up based on the open source.

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