Although I've done software development under various flavors of Unix 
since 1980, I haven't done much administration on anything Unix-like in 
a long time.  And for the past decade or so I've used laptops running 
some flavor of Windows.  Currently I'm still on XP.

Having just installed Ubuntu (Natty Narwhal) on my laptop, I'm realizing 
that there are things I know WRT securing Windows that I don't know WRT 
Linux.  On Windows, typically I'll install an antivirus tool (AVG Free), 
a spyware tool (Spybot Search & Destroy), and the Zone Alarm firewall.

I've asked some Mac users what they do, and for the most part the answer 
seems to be "nothing".  There's a general belief that Macs aren't 
targeted as much as Windows systems are.  Also, the fact that you're 
generally not logged in as root limits the potential damage.

My question is, what do typical Linux users do WRT protecting their 
systems from malware?

    Mark Rosenthal <>

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