On Jul 21, 2011, at 12:15 AM, Rich Braun wrote:

> Has anyone else gone through this switch?  What steps could have been taken to
> troubleshoot Firefox to avoid having to make this switch?  I basically
> disabled all plugins, flash, Java, everything--and it still took over my whole
> system.  I'm saddened by the collapse of Firefox but maybe it's just me, doing
> something wrong.

Same here.  I have used Mozilla and Firefox for many years but recently Firefox 
has been both a memory and cpu hog.  Firefox 4.x was taxing my Macs so I 
switched to Chrome.  I'm not looking back.  I may use other browsers 
occasionally including Firefox but my main browser is now Chrome.  Now, it 
would be interesting to see if Firefox 5.x performs any better then 4.x.  I'll 
leave that to others to discuss.


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