We have several new Tyan systems with ipmi compatible remote control modules called "bmc"s. We can use them to turn the systems on and off, and monitor fans and temperatures and do other things via a web browser.

But the BMCs also have "alerts" and the CMOS setup menu shows alerts numbered 1 through 15 that can be enabled or disabled, but with no indication of what would trigger any particular alert if it were enabled.

I suppose I would want to be alerted if the machine hung, or overheated, but how would I instruct the bmc to do that? Do different maladies have well-known asigned numbers? Or are alerts passed from the OS (in which case they are not of much use, since the main thing I would want to be alerted to is a failure of the OS).

I have the manual for the BMC, but it doesn't cover how alerts are generated.


Daniel Feenberg
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