I am truly sorry to seem crass, but there is always that uncomfortable
reality where "titans of industry" have their transgressions white-washed
out of respect for their good works.

Apple under Steve Jobs was a litigious nightmare. Anything that threatened
Apple's ever so holy image was sued into damnation.

They weren't exactly forthcoming about their *actual* carbon foot print.

They took FreeBSD, created Darwin, got volunteers to do a lot of their
work, then abandoned Darwin as an open source project.

Sorry, I'm just not fan boi. Yes, it is sad when a human being dies. I am
sad when ever another human dies. It is a human tragedy. However, the
"Steve Jobs" business entity was not a "net positive" in my book. I
assert, if you really think about it, not in yours either.

> You stay classy, now!-
> --RC
> On 10/05/2011 08:26 PM, ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:
>> I know it is bad form to speak ill of the dead, especially the recently
>> dead. In the end, Steve Jobs did copy some other people's products in a
>> way that people liked, but his business practices were as bad as
>> business
>> gets. The world has lost a litigious huckster who has squashed the
>> innovation of others.
>>> It is being reported in the media that Steve Jobs passed away this
>>> evening.
>>> http://www.apple.com/stevejobs/
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