I am also interested in the same situation.  I purchased a TIVO HD from e
Bay for forty dollars that works great with a card from Fios.  It is
possible to hack the box but you need to purchase a  custom EPROM.  There
are also several good  HD boxes that accept fios cards and work with

On Oct 12, 2011 6:55 AM, "Scott Ehrlich" <srehrl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello to all:
> I'm closing in on one year of FIOS service which comes with a
> complimentary year of DVR service.   Unless I can get Verizon to come
> up with another way to save the $12 or so a month on the DVR, or get
> them to give me another free year of DVR service, I'd like to learn
> what others have done to convert their machines (Mac Mini for me) into
> a DVR on FIOS.
> How controllable are the FIOS boxes?   I know I could always get an
> old VCR, keep the FIOS channel where it is, and record to tape.  But,
> that somewhat limits shows on a tape, and the need to baby sit the
> channels.   I think homemade DVR with a computer is more flexible.
> I'm happy to hear what others have done.
> What apps are available for MacOS (Snow Leopard)?
> If another OS is preferred, which would work best for a PC [Mac]-based
> DVR setup?
> Thanks.
> Scott
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