Dave Peters wrote:
> ...how to configure postfix to forward wildcard emails to anther email 
> account.
> what I would like to do: 
> xxxx_re...@mymail.com --> re...@mymail.com
> xxxx_nore...@mymail.com --> nore...@mymail.com
> xxx_s...@mymail.com --> s...@mymail.com

So in your example you want the "x" replaced with a wild card that
matches any one character?

This should be doable using a regexp_table[1] or pcre_table[2], with a
file containing a line like (untested):
/...._re...@mymail.com/         re...@mymail.com

and then in main.cf set alias_maps or virtual_alias_maps to

1. http://www.postfix.org/regexp_table.5.html
2. http://www.postfix.org/pcre_table.5.html


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/
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