i've recently installed ubuntu 10.10 on my asus eee pc 1005ha.  it gave me
warning messages on bootup:

  waiting for network configuration
  waiting  up to 60 more sec for network configuration
  booting system without full network configuration

sure enough, the builtin wireless n didn;t come up.  i tried the
networkmanager icon, and that came up with the first four lines light
grey.  perservering, i punched the bottom line "edit connections", did
that, and saved it but no network came up. i tried /etc/init.d/networking
restart and that indeed brought up the network as shown by
ifconfig.  however that issued a warning that the command was deprecated
and that everything might not come up (but no mention of the favored
command).  none the less, things seemed to work fine -- the browser
connected as desired, mutt worked and i was happy though i needed to do the
init.d thing each time i booted.

today, i was able to bring up, but only locally. i can ping but can't seem to get out past the local net.  firefox doesn't
connect out and email doesn't work.

any suggestions would be warmly appreciated.

ole dan
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