On 12/12/2011 05:33 PM, Gordon Marx wrote:
On Dec 12, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Bill Horne<b...@horne.net>  wrote:

At some point, the Internet will need a major overhaul. For what I
do, which is mostly email, it worked as originally designed. For
what many ISP's and content providers are attempting to do, which
is near-real-time content delivery, it can be "bent to fit" by
adding ever-fatter pipes and ever-larger buffers, at the expense
(as the OP pointed out) of degrading key performance metrics like

Hey, you should check out this startup in Kendall. They're called
Akamai, they're 13 years old and have ~$1B in yearly revenue, and
they deliver like 30+% of internet traffic without fattening pipes or
degrading latency.

My 2ยข. YMMV.

It does!

Gordon doesn't speak much on the list but when he does it usually makes me chuckle.

- Eric C.
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