On Jan 21, 2012, at 10:05 PM, Jared Carlson wrote:
> Come on guys... I have an ME and have done "software engineering" as well as 
> analysis for DoD, etc..  There's a place for both, you need professional 
> engineers who understand guidelines and procedures, etc, but you also need 
> the theoretical who are pushing boundaries, teaching the limiting cases and 
> all that.

If your advisor has taken his exams and maintains his licensure then he is a 
real ME.  If he hasn't done this then he is not an ME.  It's a formality, sure, 
but that formality carries certain assurances for the engineer's client's.

We do need both -- all three, actually.  We need scientists to do the hard 
research, to create new materials and such.  We need engineers to take the 
scientists' research and create blueprints for new, better things.  And we need 
skilled laborers and craftsmen to implement those blueprints.  I see similar 
distinctions in software: scientists who do that research, engineers who turn 
the research into plans, and programmers who write code to those plans.

Mark is right: the software industry keeps reinventing itself.  This is both 
good and bad.  Most of us wouldn't be in our current lines of work if it 
didn't, but at the same time it means that we get shoddily designed SCADA 
systems and medical devices, ATMs and voting machines vulnerable to all sorts 
of compromise, and so forth.  I think that holding PSEs' work to the same kinds 
of standards that we hold other PEs' work would go a long way towards 
preventing this kind of crap software from being released as product.

I'm not suggesting that PSEs would be required to use only certain languages or 
operating systems.  A Civil Engineer can use whatever materials he wants when 
designing a building or a bridge.  Likewise, a Software Engineer can use 
whatever "materials" he wants when designing a program.  What is important is 
that the bridge meets defined standards of safety and reliability.  Likewise, 
it is important that the program meets appropriately defined standards.

--Rich P.

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