On 08/02/2012 08:44 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:
> On 8/2/2012 4:36 PM, Mark Woodward wrote:
>> Not to be snide, but 8 million is not a big number.
> That's 8 million patients.  Multiply that by everything that the VA
> has on each and every one of them and you get a very large data set.
> It's not the largest data set that I'm aware of.  The largest is the
> data out of the LHC which is around 200 petabytes.  CERN went the
> other way.  They started with an object databases but eventually
> dropped it due to poor market development OODBMSs.  They currently use
> relational databases for storing and retrieving metadata.  Bulk data
> is stored in flat files.
>> Well, "billions" of transactions per day should be doable in a cluster.
> That's what Ameritrade and Oracle thought but they couldn't make it work.
>> If your oracle database is crashing, it is misconfigured.
> The Oracle techs working with Ameritrade couldn't keep the cluster
> going.  They eventually gave up when Ameritrade wouldn't commit to
> replacing the entire cluster with bigger servers.
>> Financial
>> transactions are a dangerous thing, you really do need ACID for
>> fiduciary responsibility.
> Cache' delivers full ACID guarantee.  I told you I wasn't talking
> about NoSQL/MongoDB.
>> You are avoiding the topic, the "storage system," is separate from the
>> implementation of the objects. The objects know how to serialize and
>> restore themselves as well as upgrade. The storage and location of
>> objects is not involved.
> Of course I am.  It's not relevant to the topic, which is the
> technical merits of object vs relational databases.
>> That is not a "how," it is a adjective and a plural noun. One does not
>> need to use relations in a database, but one has them if they need them.
>> An RDBMS is a tool not some kind of mandate.
> Then why bother with a relational database at all?  The singular
> strength of a relational database is the relations between data.  If
> you don't use relations then the relational database is the wrong tool
> for the job.
>> Yes, ok, that is done with the XML/JSON class description. What's the
>> problem?
> The problem is that you're stuck with tables.  You don't have an
> object.  You have an object stored in a table.  Even if it is a table
> with a single column and a single row it's still a table.
>> If I said the XML was stored in a binary polymorphic object file and it
>> could be retrieved by its ID, would that make a difference? Because,
>> that is exactly what is happening. For convenience, we call the the
>> polymorphic object file a "table."
> Sure, that works.  Again, why bother with a relational database if you
> want to short-circuit all of the relational functions?  Which was my
> original point: why bother with inferior tools like relational
> databases when superior tools like object databases are available?
>> Sorry, no. It is either a hash table, or they are hiding the index from
>> you. Either way, it doesn't matter because databases have hash indexes.
> Nope.  Binary trees or multidimensional arrays.  Typically, an object
> database doesn't cache index data which it doesn't have.  It caches
> objects.
>> And if you say that objects don't need that kind of indexing, then you
>> miss the real power of database. If you have 8 million objects, say
>> patients in a database. How do you find them by social security numbers?
>> How about by last name? How about by symptoms?
> You walk a balanced b-tree.  The worst case for a binary tree search
> is O(log n).  Then the patient object is loaded into cache and data
> access times drop to O(1).
>>> Better performance,
>> How? Prove it.
> O(log n) typical worst case for object searches vs. O(log n) typical
> best case for relational searches.  In real applications object
> searches are 2-20 times faster than comparable relational searches.
>>> greater scalability,
>> How? Prove it.
> Ameritrade.
>>> faster deployment,
>> How? Prove it
> The VA Hospital's ahead of schedule and under budget deployment.
>>> easier
>>> maintenance,
>> How? Prove it
> Admittedly it is company propaganda, but case studies from
> InterSystems' customers show that Cache' is easier and faster than
> Oracle for application development and support.
>>> and typically at a lower cost for all of it.
>> PostgreSQL is free. It doesn't get much lower in cost.
> Hardware, sysadmins, DBAs, application developers, test teams.  All
> these cost money.  If you can deliver an application on leaner
> hardware then you reduce cost.  If you can deliver it in less time
> then you reduce cost.
>> No, I needed a DNS system that could replicate, allow user access,
>> managed rights and privileges, etc. I could coble something together, or
>> use a package that worked out of the package. It was a no brainer.
> I implemented something similar at a previous gig using shell scripts.
> It worked perfectly.  It was a no-brainer.  And that's still my own
> confirmational bias speaking.
>> I do have some expertise in PostgreSQL, sure, but I always try to find
>> the best tool for the task. I have used SQLite and I have done a fair
>> amount of storage systems where an RDBMS is not appropriate.
> Consider this for your next project: a relational database is never
> appropriate.  Work from that.  I'm certain that you will be surprised,
> in a good way, at what you discover.
Just one issue. A binary tree and a b-tree are 2 different things. Some
file systems are based on b-tree technology.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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