Under democracy, citizens are prohibited from seizing power by force and
imposing a military dictatorship on their fellow citizens. Under anarchy,
citizens are not so prohibited.

The equivalent CDDL-type argument would be that anarchy is "more free"
because you're not prohibited from taking away everyone else's freedom.

It strikes me as absurd to claim that a system that fails to protect
freedom is somehow "more free".

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Rich Pieri <richard.pi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 16:30:01 +0000
> "Edward Ned Harvey (blu)" <b...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
> > This means you can't build a monolithic linux kernel including zfs in
> > it.  But you can, if you want to, build a module which the linux
> > kernel links to.  That is - if it's possible to build a kernel module
> > without compiling any of the linux kernel code into the module.
> Or, you distribute the source code under the appropriate license and
> use DKMS to automate module builds. Debian and RHEL plus its
> derivatives use DMKS to build the OpenAFS kernel modules which are
> distributed under the IBM Public License -- free but incompatible with
> the GPL, same as the CDDL.
> The only major reason why this hasn't happened to ZFS is because the
> Linux kernel port is incomplete.
> --
> Rich P.
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