The New York Times has an article on

It looks like the service Mint standing in front of a real bank.  I am
considering it since I don't do much budgetting with gnucash (has seen
awkward).  I like the idea of software data types figuring out how to
chew through the data.  With this service, you might be able to get
all the data analysis you need from an iPhone (the Android app is
coming in the near future).  No physical bank, just software and a
partnership to a real FDIC-insured bank.  Deposit a check with a
photo.  I would use the grocery store as my fee-free ATM.

The reason I probably won't go for it is my main credit card is a
Fidelity Amex card that kicks back 2% of all purchases.
splits up that fee with their FDIC bank.  With a small Perl or Python
script, I could export the data into gnucash to maintain my decade+
data warehouse.  I am interested in letting the machines automatically
record all this data so I don't have to type it in.

Something to consider...
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