On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 10:35:05 -0500
Kent Borg <kentb...@borg.org> wrote:

> Don't underestimate some of the change we might take for granted. A

Changing how you read the news from wood pulp to glowy bits isn't
life-changing. You're not changing your activities. You're still
reading the news. You're still looking up show times. What's changed is
the tools you use to perform these activities. That's not life-changing.

What is life-changing is watching that movie on the little piece of
hand-held glass instead of watching that movie on a big screen or a TV
in the common room with your family or friends. The shiny thing turns a
fundamentally social activity into a fundamentally reclusive activity.

Those shiny things are doing this to every aspect of human interaction.
This is indeed life-changing. Not for the better, in my opinion. We're
turning into a nation of excruciatingly interconnected recluses, all
for a few hits of dopamine. Instant gratification at its finest.

I'm waiting for the crash. See, the brain builds up resistance to DA.
The more DA you get, the more you need to get the same pleasure
sensation. A general crash is a foregone conclusion. The only real
question is whether Apple or Facebook starts crumbling first.

Rich P.
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