Tom Metro wrote:
But S/MIME encryption is better than either.

No, it's not IF you value privacy. First problem with S/MIME is that it depends on a certificate authority to issue X.509 certificates. We all know how uncompromisable these are. Second problem with S/MIME is that it's still susceptible to traffic analysis (I HATE the use of "metatdata" for this because it isn't metatdata). "They" may not know what you're saying but they know who you're saying it to, when, and how often.

That said, it's not so much about valuing privacy (or anonymity) as it is how much you value it. Sometimes traffic analysis is an acceptable situation. For example, when I had to communicate with Rohr it was effectively public knowledge: they were a contractor for the Venture Star programme and we were specified as a software provider for the programme. Anyone who cared could find that out easily enough. Keeping the data private was the important thing.

Rich P.
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