On 01/30/2014 11:23 AM, John Malloy wrote:
> What site should I use for the  git clone <URL>  ?

I think a more detailed description of your current status would help
people give better advice.

If you have a git repository at /path/repo on HOSTNAME, accessible by
USER, you can clone:

git clone USER@HOSTNAME:/path/repo

If you're using a git manager like gitosis/gitolite/gitlab, you'll
always login as user git, repository paths will be relative, and access
will be determined by SSH keys:

git clone git@HOSTNAME:repo.git

If you do not have a repository at all, you can initiate one with:

git init

At this point, you have a working repository, but you'll have to add
things manually. Committing works just fine with no external server; you
just won't have a backup. You'll want to set up a remote and set your
master branch to track it. If you use a git manager, it will be
something like:

git remote add origin git@HOSTNAME:repo.git
git push -u origin master

If you want to import from an existing subversion repository (probably
not advisable, if you keep multiple projects in the same svn repo) with

> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Richard Pieri 
> <richard.pi...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:
>>> I'm going to make a very strong suggestion.  Get an ubuntu server
>>> (not desktop) and follow the gitlab instructions for installing
>>> gitlab.  It's extremely excellent, their instructions are extremely
>>> accurate and straight forward.  And you get a LOT of value.
>> I can't speak to gitlab but setting up a dedicated server for your origins
>> is a good idea. Every Git clone is a complete replica of the origin less
>> any changes made since the last pull, and each pull is just the changes
>> made since the previous pull. You don't need the kind of high-power
>> infrastructure required by server-oriented control systems.
>> I can't speak specifically to Sourcetree. I choose SmartGit over it a
>> while back for deployment to semi-technical and non-technical users. It
>> went swimmingly. Both present file-oriented interfaces to file-oriented
>> structures which makes sense to most people accustomed to using file
>> browsers for browsing files.
>> John Malloy wrote:
>>> How do I  check/out  in a package for the first time?
>> The first is a clone:
>>   git clone <URL>
>> After that you pull updates with pull:
>>   cd dir; git pull
>> Add new files in the working directory to the clone with add:
>>   git add foo
>> Commit changes with commit:
>>   git commit -m "made these changes to foo."
>> And finally push the changes back up to the origin, assuming you're using
>> an origin. Git works equally well with the local directory being the only
>> clone (e.g., etckeeper)
>>   git push
>> The TeX source for the "Pro Git" book is available under a CC license. I
>> found it to be a really good starting point. Print copies are available.
>> http://git-scm.com/book
>> --
>> Rich P.
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