On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org> wrote:
> On 03/27/2014 07:21 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:
>>> From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
>>> bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org] On Behalf Of Tom Metro
>>> Richard Pieri wrote:
>>>> ...ext4...is...a poor choice. ext4 is unstable, it's buggy...
>> LOL.   ;-)
>> ext4 is the most stable and least buggy option available to you.  That's why 
>> it is the default for all distributions.  Unless you want to suggest that 
>> every distribution maintainer is a bumbling group of fools.
>> Other filesystems are good in their own way, but ext4 is currently "the 
>> standard."  You should only go to another filesystem, for now, if it has 
>> some characteristic you care about that ext4 doesn't offer.  For me, this 
>> generally means snapshotting.  I evaluated btrfs about 2 years ago with poor 
>> success, but I am guessing it's probably good by now.
> When does Hans Reiser get out of jail. The reiserfs was halfway decent.

Not funny.   According to wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Reiser, he got 15 years to life.
>From other sources, his earliest parole hearing would be 2021.   It
looks like others may have continued development until 2012, but that
isn't clear.

Bill Bogstad
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