On 03/30/2014 05:51 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:
A more detailed plan for the basic Xen + checkpoint + DRBD configuration I described.

I played with Xen back when, but I didn't like the too-tight coupling between the host and guest OSs. I forget what burned me but I upgraded something (the host?) and the guest quit working. Admittedly, this was a long time ago, things might have gotten better since, but para-virtualization isn't as flexible as complete virtualization. And originally my idea was for a bunch of archaic MS Windows servers--I don't think old MS Windows can run under Xen.

It also has the same flaw: split brain.

Split brain is a problem, but in my case I was looking for something that fit a single-rack, or now just in my house. In both cases I am assuming the ethernet cable between the two different boxes is one of the most reliable parts of the whole rig. Heck, I hadn't even gotten to automatic failover. A big win was no longer having a single point of "Nyah-nyah, it will take you *weeks* to get back up and running!"-failure that I was trying to fix in the original MS Windows server setup.

For basement server playing a thousand dollars buys a pretty capable collection of toys. Too bad time in the dearer resource.

There's no quorum, and you can't get a quorum with DRBD.

There is a non-free DRBD that handles more than two nodes. There might be something useful down that path.

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