On 4/11/2014 9:40 AM, MishaStrGm wrote:
Hi Bill

1 I use T60p a lot without battery. It is fine.
I used another old lap-tops without battery just fine.
I do not have battery.

2  Are you from Linux user group?
T30 can run Linux, slow.
You click and nothing happeps, only then .
I have Linux questions often.

Mike Strounin.


Thanks, that's good to know.

I just booted the T30 into its BIOS, but I had to push a button on the bottom of the unit and try combinations of the power and "Thinkpad" buttons to get it to boot, and after I updated the date/time, it wouldn't reboot. Is there some way to get it to boot without pushing two or three buttons at once?



On 4/10/14, Bill Horne<b...@horne.net>  wrote:
Thanks for reading this.

I just got a Thinkpad T30 from a guy who gave it away on  the
"Freecycle" list.

He got the machine to light up and got to the BIOS, but there's no
battery, and I don't want to tempt fate by running it without one.  The
former owner said something about the RAM, and I gather the T30's had
some problem with the second slot not working, but that's all I could
find out from Google.

I'd like to borrow a battery for a T30, and try to judge if this one is
worth the time to work on: the big question right now is whether the $33
for a new battery and possibly $20 for a charger is worth the risk, and
I'd like some more information before I decide.

If you'd rather, you're welcome to take the machine and charger and
docking station and have a go at it yourself: I got it for free and I'm
OK with paying it forward.

Thanks in advance.


Bill Horne
William Warren Consulting

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Bill Horne
William Warren Consulting

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