> From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
> bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org] On Behalf Of j...@trillian.mit.edu
> So what might be some good ones to try out?  We  have  some

I think everything can do port forwarding.  The decision for me is usually 
driven by (a) vpn, (b) security, (c) throughput / other features / cost.

The reason VPN is usually the driving factor is:  There are a ton of boxes out 
there that do vpn, simply horribly.  For example, if you have an openvpn/racoon 
ipsec vpn/pptp vpn ... Then whenever you add or remove users, the vpn server 
needs to reset itself, which causes the network to disconnect for anyone using 
the vpn at the time of your change.  This might be ok if you're only managing a 
home network with 5 users on it, but if you have a company with employee 
turnover and 15 employees...  Then it costs more to have the interruptions 
caused by a cheap box rather than getting a good box that works better.

Also, the vpn client availability...  The sonicwall global vpn client is pure 
garbage.  So is shrewsoft ipsec.  And I'm sorry to say, openvpn.  I am certain 
there *must* be some good vpn client out there, but so far the only thing I've 
ever found that I'm satisfied with is the Cisco Anyconnect SSL client.  If your 
users go somewhere like Intel or whatever, which require access to the internet 
go through a proxy server, then the https traffic will tunnel the proxy just 
fine.  Whereas pptp/ipsec/openvpn traffic get blocked.  (Also, pptp is commonly 
accepted to be insecure, which is a falsehood, but the MS implementation 
historically has been insecure which is why people generalize and simply think 
pptp is always insecure.)

But the most important characteristic of the vpn clients are:  (a) available on 
every platform that you support.  Ideally as a built-in package for the OS, but 
at least available as an installable package.  (b) installable without needing 
the vpn to access the installer.  And (c) some other considerations.

When I said (b) security at the very beginning of this message, I was 
referencing things like deep packet inspection.  A simple linux iptables 
firewall is not very intelligent, and doesn't recognize malicious packets and 
stuff like that.  You may not care, and I certainly know some people who 
consider deep inspection a negative feature because sometimes it will block 
legitimate traffic, but whether you like it or not, it's a consideration.  
Depending on the environment, it may be a requirement.
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