My bash script for signing keys after a BLU keysigning party is on the
BLU website at


    ./ [ { --bsmtp | --mailx } ] [ --local-user keyid ]
 keyid keyid keyid ....

If you want to sign with a secret key other than your default secret key,
use the "--local-user" option.

The script prompts you to sign each key listed on the command line,
then produces either a BSMTP (batch smtp) shar archive or a mailx shar
archive to email the signed and encrypted keys to their owners so that
only the person who has each secret key can read the corresponding

Us the "--mailx" switch if you'll be sending the emails from a system
that can send mail with the mailx(1) command. This is the default.

Use the "--bsmtp" switch if you'll be sending the emails from a system
that can send mail with the /usr/sbin/sendmail command.

To avoid having to retype your pass phrase multiple times, it helps
to run gpg-agent to cache the pass phrase.

If you have a gmail account, there's a Linux package "ssmtp" that
takes the place of /usr/sbin/sendmail and can be configured to use
gmail to send mail from your desktop linux machine. See for details.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
Email / WWW / PGP-Key-ID 0x920063C6
PGP-Key-Fingerprint A5AD 6BE1 FEFE 8E4F 5C23  C2D0 E885 E17C 9200 63C6
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