I think you're missing the point. More quotes from the bugzilla discussion:

> The problem is not them charging for revocations. If someone has lost
their key
> or got hacked, okay fine. Their own fault.
> The problem is that thanks to Heartbleed we now have potentially leaked
> keys (leaked due to circumstances outside of the control of anyone) and
> insecure sites.
> Now with StartSSL charging for every single revoked certificate they are
> encouraging people to "eh, the chance my key got leaked is so low, I'll
just stay
> with my old certificate" thinking and behaviour.
> This is actively compromising the security of SSL and consumers (no one I
> checks the SSL vendor on certificates of sites they visit if there's the
lock icon and
> it says it is trustworthy). Therefor customers and site users expose
themselves to
> potential security risks while the browser ensures them they are
> securely with the website.

and another:

> Spreading **** certificates all over the place for free and then forcing
people to
> pay for the revocation of those certificates is certainly not doing any
good for
> security. I can't see any reason why startssl.com should be in the
truststore while
> cacert.org (which do not charge for revocation nor for anything else) are
> the same status.

Now granted, these arguments are about whether slartssl should be in the
firefox keystore,
not about whether Bill should consider using startssl's free tier. But I
disagree that the
arguments are weak.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) <b...@nedharvey.com>
> > From: John Abreau [mailto:abre...@gmail.com]
> >
> > As for StartSSL, a quick google search turns up some disturbing issues
with it.
> Bah.  That's a weak argument.  There is nothing secret about charging for
revocation, and I don't expect any other CA's to reissue certs for free

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
Email: abre...@gmail.com / WWW http://www.abreau.net / PGP-Key-ID 0x920063C6
PGP-Key-Fingerprint A5AD 6BE1 FEFE 8E4F 5C23  C2D0 E885 E17C 9200 63C6
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