Thanks everyone, very helpful.

Back in 1995 I had a patent application for VM and databases.  Never
filed it, but still wish I had.

I think I solve the biggest issue I see with the IOT, and that's how
to make it all work together.
Steven Santos
Simply Circus, Inc.
86 Los Angeles Street
Newton, MA 02458

P: 617-527-0667
F: 617-934-1870

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Robert La Ferla <> wrote:
> Steve - One more very important thing when validating your idea, make sure 
> you are solving a painful problem and not just creating a solution that you 
> think may be helpful.  This is perhaps the most fundamentally important step: 
> to create a compelling value proposition.  Then and only then do you need to 
> consider whether you can defend it against competitors.
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