> From: greg.rundl...@gmail.com [mailto:greg.rundl...@gmail.com] On Behalf
> Of Greg Rundlett (freephile)
> So, now that I'm looking at Vagrant, Juju [1], Ansible [2], Puppet [3] and
> others as well as revisiting the general virtualization landscape (e.g. LXC,
> Docker, CoreOS).
> Does anyone have their favorite deployment tips, playbooks or stories to
> share?

One of my coworkers is absolutely in love with vagrant, but I don't like it 
because it only plays easily nice with a local virtualbox.  For him, he's doing 
experimental or development drupal work, that works great.  For me, I'm 
operating infrastructure to support people, I need to interact with a much 
broader set of vmware, aws, digital ocean - which vagrant technically *can* do, 
but the added complexity negates the benefit.  It's just a wrapper around 
ansible/whatever anyway.  So I just use ansible and forget vagrant.

The thing I like about ansible, besides the obvious - Ok, here's the obvious - 
In the past, machines were sometimes not well documented, and even if they were 
well documented, following the documentation was manual and error prone (hence 
you writing your script).  By writing executable documentation, you get 
repeatability and it becomes trivial to spin up a development machine that 
exactly clones the production system, then make a change on development and 
test, and apply the change to production.

Ok, so besides the obvious, I like the fact that I don't need a dedicated 
control machine.  I can do stuff locally on my mac, which ssh's out to the 
target machines to do my work for me.  I find, however, that if you have any 
windows administrators on your team, it becomes worthwhile to build a dedicated 
control machine - some linux box that everyone ssh's into in order to run 
ansible commands.  Because even with cygwin, there is no ansible on windows.  
(Last I knew, as far as I know.)

All that script stuff you wrote is how I used to do things.  The language in 
ansible makes a lot of that stuff trivial.  For example, how do you script "Go 
into the my.conf file, find the [FooBar] section, and if the 'whizbang' feature 
is in there, edit it to 5, otherwise create a line 'whizbang=5'" ...  Yes it 
can be done, but it's a pain.  But this type of configuration setting is just a 
line in ansible.  Because that's what it's designed for.  And what if 
assumptions were made in your script that are no longer correct when you run 
the script?  The shell script is likely to fail horribly doing terrible things. 
 Ansible will just report the error on the specific machine, and stop running 
on that machine.
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