On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 5:25 PM,  <edwa...@linuxmail.org> wrote:
> The one issue I have with my T43, happens to be the battery. Bought two of
> them from an Amazon vendor a few years ago. One didn't last more than an
> hour (on Linux) and the vendor replaced both. From the new batteries,
> gradually, one would only last one hour using Linux and the second battery
> actually held its charge all these years, unopened and it lasts closer to an
> hour and a half. Unfortunately, they're 6-cell batteries. 9-cell is better.

My understanding is laptop batteries really aren't designed for
desktop use, we're cooking them by trickle charging them all day, all
night.    Doesn't change my use tho.

Bill Ricker
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