On Wed, Sep 02, 2015 at 08:35:18PM +0000, Edward Ned Harvey (blu) wrote:
> > From: Dan Ritter [mailto:d...@randomstring.org]
> > 
> > For most people in most places,  blindly clicking "yup" on the
> > terms of service is exactly what they should do.
> > 
> > 99% will not get into legal trouble.
> Oh, try this on for size:
> Spotify, music streaming, essentially internet radio: requires access to 
> contacts, photos, files, location, microphone. And probably some other stuff. 
> A lot of people find that excessively creepy, and question if any of it is 
> necessary to provide the service they want. Some of it might actually be 
> useful, such as microphone to do voice commands, and location services to 
> determine if you're in the middle of running and therefore in the mood for 
> running music.

Uh, no, you just changed from "accepting ToS blindly" to
"granting permissions blindly".

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