My system has been running really slow lately, and I have been swearing
at firefox and websites that load 200 ads before showing any content.

But then I noticed that I was using only 4G of memory, and I knew I had
more than that.

I looked at the sales slip, and it has 8G.  I ran memtest, and it sees
two chips of 4G each.  But top and  /proc/meminfo only see 4.

I'm suspecting that something about the install got screwed up when I
updated from 14.04LTS to 16.04LTS.  It looks like I'm running a 64 bit

uname -a
Linux sackbut 4.4.0-57-generic #78-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 9 23:50:32 UTC
2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Does anyone have any ideas?

Laura   (
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
<> <>

If I had been the Virgin Mary, I would have said "No."

Margaret _Stevie_ Smith
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