On 2/18/2017 12:29 PM, Daniel Barrett wrote:
> Where spamassassin is based on heuristics, spastic is literal. You
> simply create blacklists and whitelists for blocking & permitting
> emails. The lists can include "To" and "From" addresses, subject lines
> (substrings), body text, etc.  Each list is a plain text file.

Static lists like these are a pain to manage. When I tried it I spent
more time tweaking lists than reading mail. When a previous employer of
mine tried static lists it turned into a full time job for one of our

In my experience, grey listing at the SMTP server offers the best bang
for the buck. It drops on the order of 95% of incoming spam before it
can get into the mail server with no false positives -- it won't drop
legitimate mail. Grey listing requires no maintenance and it is very
light on system resources.

Rich P.
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