On September 13, 2017, Dan Ritter wrote:
>A field of view about 180 degrees wide, 135 degrees high, 1 arc
>minute in minimum pixel size [...]
>180 * 135 * 60 * 60 * 100 * 48 = 419904000000,
>420 billion bits per second.
>Compress 100:1, we're still at 4.2Gb/s...

In order to be marketable, they'll have to deliver this awesome
capability to homes that aren't wired. So, no reason to worry about
insufficient wiring. :-)

PS: I wired every room in my house (built in 1895) with CAT-6 and have
never regretted it. Nobody ever says, "Shit, the wired is down."

Dan Barrett

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