On 9/12/2017 11:42 AM, Richard Pieri wrote:
On 9/12/2017 10:52 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
I am sorry, but I completely disagree. Even with modern Wifi, I can get
much better throughput using physical wires if for no other reason than
each link can be switched and therefore isn't "shared". With Wifi,
every device is sharing the medium. I.e., I can get 20-30Gbps aggregate
across my 1Gbps physical network, versus maybe 1.2Gbps across my 1200AC
Wifi. And let's not even start with interference from my neighbors!
Wires aren't forever. They fail. They're supplanted by new standards.
They're not even available on the most common devices today. Running
wires is not future-proofing. It's future-obsolescence.
Although _/some/_ edge devices, such as streaming video adapters or
printers, are made for only WiFi connectivity, there are always other
models which include Ethernet and/or USB connections, either with or
without WiFi. "Future Proofing" includes avoiding future purchases, so I
always recommend that edge devices have more than one method of LAN
connection available.
WiFi-only devices will require that the owner keep updating his
equipment every time his ISP adopts a new WiFi standard. I feel that the
better plan is to start at the highest speed currently available
(fiber), and also include older technologies such as coax or Cat 5/6 to
serve legacy devices.
Bill Horne
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