If you open up the service port (let's say it's running on 8080) but limit SSH login to a key only you have, then they should be able to use the service without seeing in the docker image at all.

On 11/8/18 2:34 AM, Tom Luo wrote:
Hi, all,

I developed a software which provide a web service.
When I deploy the software in customer's machines, I don't want them to see
the source code.
I tried to use docker, but I found out that docker cannot provide password
protection. The customer can still see the source code. The source code
contains python code and javascript code. I feel possibly virtual box is an
option. But I have not tried yet.
Basically, what I need is to provide a port for customers to access the
service. At the same time, I don't want customers to see my code.

What should I do? Any ideas?


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