Hallo zusammen,
guten Tag Herr Heck,
ich leite das mal von der internationalen documentation- an die DE-Mailingliste weiter:

Am 31.03.2016 um 16:47 schrieb Hans-Josef Heck:

Dear  Documentation Team,

I am concerned with teaching data processing since - 1969
- and using a Unix-clone operated computer ever since 1980.

I founded (with a colleague) FSuB e.V. (fsub.org)
which was at first (1984-1999) the "AKS in der GUUG"
(Arbeitskreis Schule in der Vereinigung Deutscher Unixbenutzer)

I wrote the first paperback on Unix in German, which was
translated into Dutch first and then into English (not by me).

Normally, I am -not- using a office suite  but Emacs.

For pdf-documents I now have to use Libre Office and
therefore I turned to the documentation, first in German,
the other day, and today, in English.

There is a  heading in the German documentation:

    "Kapitel 03 – Formate und Vorlagen"

By reading for a while and letting it work in my brain overnight
one will find  out, that these are two different categories,
which do not go together.

Templates are to be used as a "ready-model" for
either Documents or Formats.
  - Meanwhile I searched for more words: -> 5)

  Documents are targeted at a specific application.

  Formats are orthogonal to documents.
  They define the design, layout, ... for different kinds of documents.

  -? Is my understanding correct ?
  -> Two questions on your text appended ->²) ->³)

I hope this may help to improve the understanding of the documentation.


And not only "by the way":

   Thanks for your hard and engaged work on "goods",
   that help to better the world,

                       free knowledge and free tools.

Sharing ones manifested ideas doesn't cost anything
but is useful for everybody.

This is the biggest return on investment for mankind.

But our children are taught / educated the opposite.
(Adam Smith was an ignorant.)


If you want to know my insight in

    how to present knowledge

let me know. We may discuss it.

But hurry up. I am 77 of age and very busy.

       Updating fsub.org's internet appearance.
       Finding out   how we can "produce"
          and        how we can "validate"
       what we produce with our brains.

  ->The internet sites mentioned here in the last lines.')
    It's applicable knowledge, what science theory is not.


"save the document as a template, and then use he template
  to create a new document with the same styles."

I have not used it, yet.
But - I guess:

- Not only the "same styles" but you can insert other data as well?
   e.g. address, id-numbers, ...


Doesn't this apply to all kinds of documents?
I found this information under Help for Writer:


- It takes (steals) so much time  to get it straight.

To help others  to get their insights easier
that's why I am writing to you.


"Templates and Styles
  A template is a document ...
"Dokumentvorlagen und Formatvorlagen
  Eine Dokumentvorlage ist ein Dokument,

This kind of translation means in effect

  "Template" is the same as "Document Template"

Is that so?

O.K. I could fiddle out by trying things.

But perhaps one can write for a better understanding?


As I have to work on pdf-files (with Draw).

I will wait for your answer to start my work
with a better understanding.


I was looking for information how to create a document template
(as I guessed that that is what I had to start with)
but could not find this information.


I suppose that the second most important application for LibreOffice
is working with "templates".

  (At the moment, I use this word for both/all kinds of models:
   models for documents (applications)   and
   models for formats (layouts, designs).

Some words to choose from:

   template / model / pattern / stencil / master
   Schablone / Modell / Muster / Vorlage / Mater / Matrize

  Words are important. They are designators.
  They point out and to  the function of the object in question.

  We have either to agree on it (the definition)
            or   to set the meaning  on the set out.

Using an application software takes quite some time
  - to read the handbook.

But it takes much more time and knowledge to write the handbook
- especially when you are an expert in this field of application.
(But you have to be an expert
- but someone who is able to forget everything for "a while being".


        With best regards

          Hans-Josef Heck

      Wissenschaffen und Handeln
   Die Grundlegung unseres Handelns


Member of TheDocumentFoundation

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