
From: Eric Hoch
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:58 AM
To: discuss@documentfoundation.org
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] Explanation . . . ?

Hi Nancy,
You'll find some documentation here
<http://documentation.openoffice.org/>. It has the OOo branding but
in essence it's the same product. Maybe there are some additional
features from go-oo.org sources which aren't documented yet but the
vast majority of features are covered if there is a document for
the specific module, features, task.


Hi Eric,

Thank you, Eric. The problem was that Internet Explorer 9 Beta wouldn't
do what it was supposed to do. I had to install Firefox Beta, another
open source app before I could get the docs.

Nancy Ward
Windows 8 Beta Ferret

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