
Am 03.10.2010 um 15:18 schrieb AG:

> Whenever I send an email to either of these lists, so I receive an
email from April R Geer: age...@embarqmail.com I have no idea who this
is, s/he is from a different email domain than I am (I use gmail.com)
and this has only started happening over the last few weeks.  I belong
to loads of discussion/ email lists and it is only with LibO and OOo
that this peculiarity happens.
> Anybody want to venture a speculation as to what this might be about?
I use a junk filter, but even so ... curious minds want to know.

can you forward one of these e-mails to me directly? Then I'll have a
look. Sounds like an autoresponder on the side of April Geer, but will
have a look.


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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