Hi Regina,

nice to have you on this list ... and thanks for your helpful
statements. So just a few comments ...

Am Dienstag, den 05.10.2010, 19:27 +0200 schrieb Regina Henschel:
> (1)
> When starting a new Wiki it is essential to determine the license from 
> the very beginning and it must be unpossible to contribute without 
> explicitly saying which license is used.[...]

Yes, the license is an important point. We had some initial thoughts
about that, too.

> (2)
> I like to look which Wiki pages are new or changed. But I do not like to 
> go through all languages. The search tools should give an easy way to 
> include or exclude special languages.

Good point. To be honest, I never worked (reading isn't working, is it?
*g*) in multi-language Wikis. So I don't know how this can be handled,
both technically and from the organizational point-of-view.

> (3)
> I mainly work on content related to Calc. I need an easy way to 
> transform odt-documents with lot of formulas into the wiki-syntax. 
> Currently I have written a text, which is not yet on any Wiki, because 
> it has more than 100 formulas.
> The other way round it should be possible to generate odt-documents with 
> real formulas (not pictures) from the Wiki pages.

So you mean to transform the Math language to the wiki syntax. It seems,
that is something related to the (or any) MediaWiki Export extension,
but however, I'll definitively write it down.

> (4)
> The Wiki should have a basic structure before contribution starts and 
> this structure should be explained. Especially the way how to organize 
> all the languages should be clear.

Yes, I'd hoped for some basic structure before we start. Therefore my
question what works good, what works less good in other wikis. At least,
there have been some good points ... also by the others.

Therefore, thanks for your great comments!


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