El 06/10/10 10:21, Andre Schnabel escribió:
> Hi all,
> for the moment (or better for the initial period) the 
> Steering Committe is the governing instance of TDF. But this will change.
> We understand, that there are questions, how the committee was
> elected, how it is supposed to work, etc ... I will follow up on
> this later (or maybe tomorrow). We are aware, that we need to 
> give more information on this.
Tank you Andre. Your words are music for my [eyes|ears] :-)

> For the moment, just some basic rules, we defined, when we elected
> the Committee:
> - all members must be accepted community contributors at OpenOffice.org 
>   (therefore we have a good number of OOo Community Council members)
I agree.

> - members should cover all aspects of our community, including developers
>  (code hackers), general development (supporting tasks like QA, 
>   marketing, documentation), l10n / native-lang, user community and
>   stakeholders 
Work is needed on this point. Is a priority!

> - the Steering Committe must work on the bylaws for the future governing
>   body and end it's own existence, as soon as this body is operational 

> - the Steering Committe will end it's existence 1 year the latest after
>   public announcement (or earlier, if a the future commitee is operational)

> Definition of the future governing body needs to be done with all of
> you - the community. I hope, we can start this process soon. But first
> we need to hand over some other tasks, like moderating the mailing lists,
> handling infrastructure ... these are very busy days.

> hope that helps,
Help too much!


Prof. Román H. Gelbort

10 años usando OpenOffice.org, libre, gratuito y seguro

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