Am Fri, 8 Oct 2010 00:18:19 +0700 schrieb Nguyen Vu Hung:
> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 4:27 AM, Michele Zarri <m.za...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 06/10/10 22:21, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2010-10-06 at 14:21 -0400, Charles Marcus wrote:
>>>> On 2010-10-06 2:06 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
>>>>> Yes there is... use the MSI system, which will take care of things li
> e
>>>>> unpacking to the environments /tmp directory, launching the installer
>>>>> after unpacking (like it does now), then - and here is the trickey pa
> t
>>>>> I guess - detect a current installation, and offer to upgrade it, or
> o
>>>>> install a parallel version.
>>>> Oh - and one thing that I'd really like to see is a simple 'incrementa
>>>> updater' that just downloads a 'patch' file and patches itself, like
>>>> Firefox and Thunderbird and lots of other programs do now.
>>> +10
>>> --Jean
>> +1
>> +1.
> And for Mac OS X, as it doesn't (?) have a package management system,
> we can leave the update agent as it is.

There are various systems that take care of applying updates on Mac
OS X but I don't know the name of the most popular one and if it
has a license that allows it to use with LibO.

However I know that when you use the underlying BSD to create
pkg-packages for installation you can make update packages. While
this would solve the automatic update problem partially it again
would bring up discussions which is the right way to install Mac OS
X applications. For the hardcore Mac user there is no other way
than dragging and dropping the app into a folder he likes it to be
and run it. However the switcher, most of the time coming from
windows, is used to make a double click and either an installation
routine occurs. If no installation routine occurs I've seen
switcher use the app out of the diskimage all the time. They simple
didn't copy the app into their application directory they left the
dmg on their desktop/another folder, opened it every time they
wanted to use the app and ejected it afterwards.

I myself would prefer the drag and drop way and see if any of the
licenses the automatic update mechanism used into apps like Bean,
iTerm, MacTracker, VLC, Thunderbird is compatible with LGPL v3 and
therefore the mechanism could be used in LibO.


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