On 10/08/2010 06:54 PM, Goran Rakic wrote:

> why don't you write all the names of all contributors, both individuals
 and companies, translators, etc?

The various pieces of paperwork that people that contributed to OOo had
to sign, gave all of the rights to Sun. As such, Sun is/was the
copyright holder. Assuming that Sun executed an assignment of all rights
to Oracle, Oracle became the copyright holder when it purchased Sun.

I'll let somebody else decide how safe it is to assume that Sun did
execute such an assignment. It wouldn't be the first time that one
company purchased another company, without having an assignment of
copyright executed.

[When Google starts playing hardball with Oracle, it will demand that
Oracle produce the paperwork that demonstrates that Sun did assign all
of its intellectual property rights to Oracle.  If Oracle can't produce
that paperwork .... ]

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