Hi Mirek, *,

Mirek M. schrieb:

> Well, I'm a Czech and my native language is Czech. The problem I have
> with "LibreOffice" is that it's just hard to pronounce. I'm not very
> good at saying the French "r", so I try to say "LibreOffice" with an
> English accent, which doesn't sound very good either. "LibreOffice"
> with a Czech accent sounds even worse.

It's not necessarily bad, if the Name has some hurdles with
pronunciation. As we see in this and other threads: this gets people in
touch. ;o))

Finally there will be several flavors of pronunciation - and good
moments if they meat each other! :o))


Ansprechpartner / contact person for the "PrOOo-Box"
german language "best Office Suite ever" and more on CD/DVD 
http://prooo-box.org  -- footer updated on 2010-10-07

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