Le 2010-10-19 20:58, Marc Paré a écrit :
Le 2010-10-19 20:53, Drew Jensen a écrit :
On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 09:37 +0900, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

Howdy Jean-Christophe,

On 20 oct. 10, at 04:02, Marc Paré wrote:

Hmmm... then, the fact remains that a multilingual mailist model
will always be difficult to accomplish. The amount of energy spent
on translating from one language to another would certainly affect
the overall effectiveness of the group. Satisfying everyone will be

Ce genre de liste existe. Mais ce n'est absolument pas le propos.

You mean this list then? Perhaps, because actually it does not have a
language designator.

Le propos c'est d'identifier les listes qui demandent l'anglais comme
langue de travail comme telles.
Et de laisser la porte ouverte aux autres langues pour les listes qui
ne sont pas identifiées linguistiquement.

Ah - well from the stand point of accepting any post, sure - but in
reality I doubt it would work too well if one spoke in Francais, one in
Chinese and another in Polish - but it would be interesting..

I have heard some stories form folks trying that in groups distributed
between so many places, as ours is. If I recall correctly those
experiences where not a great success.

Je ne vois pas ce qui est difficile à mettre en place.



Es por eso que yo digo que no pieso que podria hacerlo sin muchos
problemas. No pienos que los otros los gustaran trabajar como eso.


Marc Paré

So obviously, to make the point, and disregarding all of my spelling errors in Spanish, I really don't think that such a mailist would prove a good working environment. It would really turn the mailist into an exercise in evaluating each other's prowess in language translation. It would not be a focussed approach to problem solving; community building or distro building.

I would suggest trying to build and maintain a robust reporting model from the localised groups to the respective mailists. Adding the complexity of language translation (as well as cultural idiosyncrasies) in the mix IMHO would not be productive.


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